Give yourself the gift of self-realization...
Free Weekly Classes
Sahaja Yoga Meditation classes are always FREE, and everyone is welcome. At the weekly meditation meetings, you will learn how to achieve a state of true meditation. We will also show you how to meditate at home and keep your subtle system in balance. You will be introduced to the practice of Sahaja Yoga and its benefits, followed by a guided meditation and a short video talk by Shri Mataji (the founder of Sahaja Yoga). In a relaxed atmosphere, you are invited to clarify any questions and talk about your experience.
No prior appointment, experience, or knowledge of meditation is needed for these classes. The techniques you learn are not based on physical exercises and can be done sitting on a chair or the floor. Wearing something comfortable will help you relax.
Want to meditate from home, virtually? Join our online, live guided meditation classes...
every Monday from 7:00 pm: OR
every Wednesday from 7:30 pm: ​
Tuesdays from 6:00 pm (to ~7:00 pm)
April - 2nd, 16th, and 30th
May - 14th and 28th
June - 11th and 25th
Limerick City Library
Barrow House, Michaels Street V94 RF63
April - 9th and 23rd
May - 7th and 21st
June - 4th and 18th

Watch House Cross Community Library,
Watch House Cross Shopping Center,
Moyross Limerick
+353 86 029 9228 / ​+353 86 252 0765